Love Theory - Kirk Franklin

Instrumental Remake

Jul 30, 2019 21:14

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As a church musician, this is one of the songs I really love to play, not just because of the mood and style, but because of today, in 2019, there is still good music, good composition, and good writers. Thanks God for Kirk Franklin and his talent to create such beautiful music and lyrics.

So this song appears and in that moment I loved it!

I was commissioned to do this cover with the band in our church, and that's how I gone into it. It's great to play something like this song, and try to get into the arrangements, what was doing every instrument, and the lyrics, wow, amazing.

Then I started with the Drum Loop in the background, before playing the piano, because I wanted to have that done so when playing the piano I could listen and feel I was inside the song.


Every little detail in the original track helps to build that beautiful mood arround the song, and I didn't wanted to lose anything. So, as soon as I went into the Electric Drums and Acoustic Drums the track started to be really recreated.

Doing this Instrumental of Love Theory means to have a lot experience with the ear and how to separate in the mind every instrument, because of the way the original musicians gave that groove, that feeling, and how they love what their instruments.


This time, I had into my studio the great Komplete Kontrol S88 by Native Instruments. An amazing keyboard, with beautiful feel in the keybed. And with this instrument I got Komplete 12 Select version with a lot of high quality instruments and electric drum samples, so was perfect receiving it.

Komplete Kontrol S88

Beautiful keyboard with an amazing touch by Native Instruments.

Komplete Kontrol S88 by Native Instruments

Komplete Kontrol S88

Beautiful keyboard with an amazing touch by Native Instruments.

Multi-Track Demo

Here's a section of the song in a Multi-Track version, or Multi-Stems, because every track contain more than 1 track mixed in it. I hope you like it.

Love Theory Multi-Track

You can get my multi-track in the next link. You'll receive all the stems in very good quality.

Love Theory

Kirk Franklin

Key: Db   97 BPM   4/4
In-App Only
US$ 14.99
In-App and File Download
US$ 19.99
Split Track
US$ 9.99
Click and Cues Only
US$ 4.99
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Here's me playing

Blog Author: Cristián R. Villagra

Online Musician. Music composer for animations and games, and music producer for singers. Also programmer and graphic generalist.

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